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Jonathan Slonim
Feb 6, 2023
Board governance for the lower middle market
We made our first acquisition over a year ago, in the fall of 2021. Since then, we have had to play many roles, from interim head of...

Jonathan Slonim
Jun 11, 2022
Is a recession imminent? Don't bet on it!
The economy is showing signs of trouble, and investors and executives are increasingly concerned. Regardless of what happens, wise...
Jonathan Slonim
Oct 28, 2021
What differentiates the thousands of PE firms out there?
In 280 BC, King Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated the Romans in battle at great cost to his armies. His experiences gave rise to the saying...
Jonathan Slonim
Oct 27, 2021
November 2021: What is going on with supply chains?
As a firm focused exclusively on micro-market industrial acquisitions, we at Ilion try to keep our fingers on the pulse of the strategic...
Jonathan Slonim
Oct 27, 2021
July 2021: Inflation returning
Substantial and prolonged inflation is a substantial risk to investors today. Our belief is that the best thing one can do to prepare for...
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